AssetWise CONNECT Edition Implementation Guide

Azure Service Bus Configuration

When choosing Azure as the message destination it is required configure where the messages are located or must be delivered to. Service bus messages can be delivered to a queue or topic name. Collecting messages can be done by means of a queue or subscription name. To configure the required values a button is enabled when the chosen Type is Azure. For example:

Outgoing Message Information

The following information is available to be populated for outgoing messages:

  • Entity Path - Either a queue or topic name to be used for message delivery
  • Job Type - The job type value associated with a message event. A typical setup is involves creating a topic for each type of CCOM BOD so that messages are delivered to separate topics for subscribers to collect the information. To use a default entity path simply include the value as an asterisk "*". Only one default entry is allowed and places all messages into a single location.
  • Message Type - Value is either "Queue" or "Topic" and indicates where the messages must be delivered.

Incoming Message Information

The following information is available to be populated for incoming messages:

  • Entity Path - Either a queue or subscription name to be used for message delivery
  • Topic Name - The topic name associated with a service bus subscription; Optional if the message type is selected as "Queue"
  • Message Type - Value is either "Queue" or "Subscription" and indicates where the messages are located.